Books and Habits

It’s August, time for a vacation and maybe reading a few books at the beach or in a mountain cabin. If so, our Bookdragon SandyJ has a few recommendations for you. From absolute classics, which are now available as an audiobook, to a new and exciting fantasy book that brings you back to an alternative London during the wild 1980’s. She also tested a new bookish app that shows the reading habits (Manga Weekends made for a nice statistical outlier this year). Books and Habits, what a combination.
So, here are this months recommendations: B.J. Fogg „Tiny Habits: The small changes that change everything“ (2019) and Garth Nix „The left-handed Booksellers of London“ (2020).
Enjoy your August and vacations.
Stream: Sunday, August 1st, 7 p.m.
Podcast Drop: Monday 2nd of August, noontime
Radio Broadcast: 10th of August, 10 a.m., UKW 104.8
Bookdragon, Producer: SandyJ
Music: Erwin Schmidt
American Library Karlsruhe Summer Holidays are from August 9th till September 6th!!! So get your book fix before!
Book Recommendations
B.J. Fogg „Tiny Habits: The small changes that change everything“ (2019)
Garth Nix „The left-handed Booksellers of London“ (2020)
Book Releases
Jordan Ifueko „Redemptor“ (August 17th)
Nic Stone „Fast Pitch“ (August 31st)
Sasha Peyton Smith „The Witch Haven“ (August 31st)
Helen Hoang „The heart principle“ (August 31st)
Other Stuff Mentioned
The Storygraph App
Public Book Cabinets in Karlsruhe:
Morgan Long’s Video „A City of Books“
A critical Dragon’s Video „Why is Grimdark?“
Charles Dickens „Our Mutual Friend“ (1864-1865)
Joseph Campbell „The Hero with a thousand Faces“ (1948)