Fairy Noodle Summer Books

Tisch mit Büchern, E-Book-Reader und Kaffeetasse

In the new episode SandyJ not only follows several female Agents but also the international reader community through bookish worlds. Let’s switch the script.

A Manga as non-fiction recommendation, a book subscription box from an engineers point of view and book worlds spanning four continents and several dimensions.

The noodles? For those you need to listen to the episode.

Premiere stream on Campusradio Karlsruhe, Sunday 5th July, 7 P.M. Further streaming on Tuesday, 8 P.M., Wednesday 3 P.M. and next Saturday 10 A.M.

Old school radio: Tuesday, 8 PM on UKW 104.8. Apple Podcasts and Spotify will drop during next week.


Fairyloot Box (Monthly Book subscription box based in UK): https://www.fairyloot.com/

The Reading Rush Readathon from 20th till 26th of July 2020: https://www.thereadingrush.com/

Melissa Bashardoust „Girl, Serpent, Thorn“, 2020, https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/51182650-girl-serpent-thorn

P. Djèli Clark „The Haunting of Tram 015“, 2019, https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36546128-the-haunting-of-tram-car-015

Charlotte Bronte „Jane Eyre“, 1847, https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10210.Jane_Eyre

Katapult „100 Karten“, 2019, https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43920660-100-karten-die-deine-sicht-auf-die-welt-ver-ndern


Book Recommendations:


Jasper Fforde „The Eyre Affair“, 2001, https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27003.The_Eyre_Affair

P. Djèli Clark „A dead Djinn in Cairo“, 2016, https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29635542-a-dead-djinn-in-cairo


Chii „The Bride was a Boy“, 2018, Manga, https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/39670479-the-bride-was-a-boy


Book Releases Next few Weeks (Probably ;-):

G. L. Carriger „The Enforcer Enigma“ (1. August 2020)


T. J. Klune „The Extraordinaries“ (14. July 2020)


Kalynn Bayron „Cinderella is dead“ (7. July 2020) (Black Author)


Julie Murphy „Faith: taking flight“ (7. July 2020)
