Markiert: reading

Summer Shorts

Ever wondered what books and pens have in common? Well, our Bookdragon SandyJ drew (pun intended) her own conclusions in a Café this month. With other insights she had help from Kae Tempest’s „On...

Buch, Laptop und Kaffeetasse

Building connections

On a roll with non-fiction audiobooks our local bookdragon SandyJ talks about three audiobooks that on first glance don’t have anything to do with each other. But when she read them the connections were...

Bücher auf einem Tisch mit Mikrofon

Do you speak SMALL CAPS?!

In the October episode of Engineered Unicorns our local Bookdragon SandyJ  introduces you to her favorite cosy autumnal reads. Instead of spooky she prefers fun and therefore reads  Terry Pratchett‘s Discworld Novels. Her favorite...